Thursday, April 29, 2010

Lehmann Büttenrede in Gürzenich

Cologne - press conferences with football players are always something special! And this time we went back to business.
Before the European Championship qualifiers against Wales game was goalkeeper Jens Lehmann in the Cologne Gürzenich question and answer - a real Büttenrede high intelligence claim. EXPRESS-TV was watching this - HERE clip and smile ...
When asked whether there still is the typical first-choice goalkeeper, or the tendency for the clubs to the rotation, "said Lehmann:
 "All goalkeepers who play, play well, unless they are injured. Then you have to stop a little bit exposed."
And the 37-year-old put another in: Lehmann on his future at the English club Arsenal:
"Your whole interpretation to me so go to the nerve. So do not ask me about how I interpret their interpretations."
The reason for Lehmann's verbal Drip is now resolved. Exactly to the day on 6 September 2003, saw ex-DFB-team boss Rudi Voeller headlines. In the ARD interview with Waldemar Hartmann, he lost after the 0-0 draw against Iceland to master - and rumbled off right. "I can not hear the shit!"
Also of interest
Sun prepares for Jens Lehmann before the EM

Friday, April 23, 2010

Stinkefinger costs 500 euros

Dusseldorf --
Ambulance Master Marc V. (39) Fortuna is a passionate fan.
And so he came to fight the rise in May in the midst of the soccer riots in the Old Town.
He was infected by the aggression and showed a police officer the finger with both hands. It now costs him $ 500.
Marc V. was only married for a week, so he would not come home dead drunk. He separated from his friends to buy a pizza. A bit of solid food after too many beers ...
So he fell into the cauldron at the Kurzestraße. "I was suddenly immersed in the action was completely overwhelmed with this situation," he admitted in court.
One night in police custody and the trouble with the law and with his young wife, who purified him. Although he still attended the games of his team, but remains far from the Old Town.
Because Marc V. is not otherwise a criminal record, has terminated the proceedings for libel and trespassing. About 500 euro fine.

Saturday, April 17, 2010

Volksmusik-Star Dzida dies on the A2

Peine / Volders --
The Austrian folk music star Christian Milgrom is dead: The ex-keyboard player of the Zillertal womanizer died, according to daily newspaper "Austria" in an accident with his car on the German A2 at Peine, in Lower Saxony. Like now, only became aware of the horror crash happened on 1 November 2009.
The 40-year-old had lost, according to "Picture" control of his red Ferrari, and had driven into the Mittelleitplanke. From there, the sports car said to have been thrown back and crashed into a Peugeot one 41-year-olds.
Although the paramedics, according to "Austria" immediately arrived at the accident scene, he could not save the music star. Both drivers were killed instantly
Christian Milgrom 1991 to 1998 was singer and keyboard player in the successful rock band Zillertal Alps womanizer, which disbanded in 2007 and is one of the most successful bands in Austria. Among her biggest hits, "Sierra Madre" and the "Wedding March".
Milgrom 1999 then moved to the group HOI. From 2000 he concentrated on his work as producer and entrepreneur.
Grieve in forums and on websites the fans around the former womanizer. For many of the fatal accident is simply "inconceivable."
Today, relatives, fans and companions, according to "Austria" in Tyrol by Christian Dzida say goodbye. In the Austrian Volders, a funeral service followed by burial in the immediate family rather than think.

Sunday, April 11, 2010

Every 3rd Practice doctor makes fateful mistakes

Cologne - It is a study that makes us afraid. From a reputable source.
The Health Siftung identified: 23 percent of physicians indicated that they happened once a month a mistake per six percent even once a week.
Wrong patient records, laboratory results are overlooked, incorrectly prescribed drugs are the main sources of error.
It can for the patients but they are also much worse. These are mainly hospital doctors in the criticism. Following a complaint by the Federal Medical Statistics for the year 2008 to 10,967 cases, patients feel wrongly treated and turned to the expert committees
 84-times major medical errors were detected. Where the patients died. 169-times lagged those concerned severe permanent damage.
"Time and again things go wrong because of insufficient cooperation and misunderstandings," says the researcher Gerd Glaeske supply. Count The main problems that treatments are not sufficiently documented and responsibilities are unclear. "
According to the study, only one third were at the doctors, never failure patients with damage to the doctors machen.Bei officials met the study as one might expect some criticism.
The spokesman for the Federal Medical Andreas Dückers, said that lie in the number of malpractice only 0.0002 percent of the cases. The study was probably common errors in practice the end the subject. Only the alarming figures were explained.
Gerd Glaeske urged against comprehensive inspections and sanctions against the doctors. Help systems are now quality assurance, which now become a requirement in the practices.

Monday, April 5, 2010

Willi (15) can rotate the big wheel

Bonn - nine weeks ago, the grieving family of Showman tilt to her head. Father Willi († 53) died of lung cancer.
His son Willy Jr. now follow in his footsteps. He is the youngest boss on Pützchen fair. The Lord of the Ferris wheel is tender 15 years old.
Visitors marvel at Pützchens market building blocks: The head of Europarad - with 55 meters and 46,000 light bulbs' landmark Pützchen - is a teenager! And: The "Action House" across from him is one too!
Big Boss Willy? The nice young man can not hear at all. Finally, he shares the responsibility with the family: "My mother, Claudia, my sister, Erni, my cousin Kurt and I are equal."
While many of their peers do not know what they want to be, borne by the showman-offspring have great responsibility. In setting up the steel colossus he has pants on.
Claudia's mother: "To take care of the technology, Willi and Kurt." Willi says the seven-employee Pützchen how it's done, watching every step in the assembly with Argus eyes. "The respect me as a boss, there are no problems."
 No wonder. Willy is still young, but still an eternity there. The fair is in his blood. "Even in my stomach, he has visited Germany's Fairs," says her mother Claudia.
 He goes to school for nine years, where the Ferris wheel is doing station. In the study, he went with his father. He made the Filius with the affairs of the family trusts. "What I know, I know of him," said the junior over the senior.
It is quiet when the family starts talking about the recently deceased father. Widow Claudia: "soul and morally it is absent in every nook and cranny. But we still get along. "The show must go on the ferris wheel spins without the patriarch.
Time for it is the families do not anyway. After waiting Pützchen Stuttgart Beer Festival in Stuttgart, the second largest festival in southern Germany. Willi Kipp Jr. was there too often. As the head of it is the first time ..