Saturday, April 17, 2010

Volksmusik-Star Dzida dies on the A2

Peine / Volders --
The Austrian folk music star Christian Milgrom is dead: The ex-keyboard player of the Zillertal womanizer died, according to daily newspaper "Austria" in an accident with his car on the German A2 at Peine, in Lower Saxony. Like now, only became aware of the horror crash happened on 1 November 2009.
The 40-year-old had lost, according to "Picture" control of his red Ferrari, and had driven into the Mittelleitplanke. From there, the sports car said to have been thrown back and crashed into a Peugeot one 41-year-olds.
Although the paramedics, according to "Austria" immediately arrived at the accident scene, he could not save the music star. Both drivers were killed instantly
Christian Milgrom 1991 to 1998 was singer and keyboard player in the successful rock band Zillertal Alps womanizer, which disbanded in 2007 and is one of the most successful bands in Austria. Among her biggest hits, "Sierra Madre" and the "Wedding March".
Milgrom 1999 then moved to the group HOI. From 2000 he concentrated on his work as producer and entrepreneur.
Grieve in forums and on websites the fans around the former womanizer. For many of the fatal accident is simply "inconceivable."
Today, relatives, fans and companions, according to "Austria" in Tyrol by Christian Dzida say goodbye. In the Austrian Volders, a funeral service followed by burial in the immediate family rather than think.