Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Bounty exposed to grave robbers

Cologne - you steal from the dead, shocking the survivor: unscrupulous grave robbers to strike more frequently. Now, a grieving son strikes back. He puts out a bounty.
As is often the grave robbers came under cover of darkness: The culprits broke the one-meter high bronze angel from its moorings, which dragged the heavy statue. As Guido H. (36) the next morning the grave of his deceased "Mamusch" sought out, seized him by the shock - and the fury:
"The making of the Angel cost 1400 euros. But it is not so much the material value of the angel. What remains next to the mourning for my mother, is the feeling of helplessness and anger at those people who are capable of anything. "
In fact, the number of Grabschändereien, the thefts of grave decoration in recent months in Cologne and the surrounding areas has increased. The thieves peddling their prey mostly on metal dealer. Memory is so vile to be melted raw material.
"Unbelievable," called Guido H. such acts - and lays out the likely first bounty on lousy grave robbers. "We have eight children, advise in the family. We put out $ 1,000 reward for the replacement of the angel and the naming of the perpetrators! "
He hopes to be able statuie as a kind of example. "Because these people are so caught usually minor." $ 1,000 - certainly more than the robbers would get windy at scrap dealers for the statue. Only that this time it comes to their head ...
References to angels and perpetrators of 0157 / 723 85 174.