Thursday, June 10, 2010

These are the new FC-shirts

Cologne - phasing in the Bundesliga: For the FC, it goes to the games of the competition at this week's season finale purely sporting about anything.
And so goes the line of sight next year. While coach Christoph Daum just made contact in Brazil and manager Michael Meier, the transfer negotiations from Cologne, coordinates the lips of many fans, the question: Which jersey will accrue Lukas Podolski and Co.?
Officially, the secret is only on 22 May released if supplier Reebok presents the new shirt in the department store in Cologne. EXPRESS but the new shirt shows exclusively in advance.
The jersey has many unique, modern music. In particular, the line pattern on the abdomen, which is a little reminiscent of the bar code on a milk carton, is a detail.
Overall, the jersey is dynamic and innovative - just as it should be for the fashion brand Reebok for their own understanding. The adidas-daughter was unable to comment to the barcode-shirt, pointed to the presentation.
The season against Bochum on the professionals to run the first time in the new outfit. The new jersey is there then to buy already.
Your opinion about the new FC jersey - HERE a say ...