Thursday, March 18, 2010

The removal of the Hofgarten Swans

Dusseldorf --
The geese, swans and ducks are part of the courtyard as the trees and the arts. But now the city wants to deport the animals - the park will be almost an outlaw.
This betrays a commissioned by the Gardens Department, previously secret reports. Stay in the end only four swans left?
Swan's mother Margaret Bonmariage was horrified when she got the paper yesterday, the Gelsenkirchen planning Hamann & Schulte in the fingers. What is in this paper, the depopulation of the Hofgarten is the same: Nearly all waterfowl will disappear!
An excerpt from the cruel expulsion plan: All the others (including the four tame Canada geese, and strip) and Turks ducks will be captured and settled elsewhere. Of the 19 swans are in accordance with these plans, only two couples are left - one white and one black (mourning Swan).
But that's not all: For the wild, airworthy animals (such as wild Canada geese and mallard ducks) which fly out into the park on and no longer come to the shore areas are unattractive design.
"We have 300 water birds in the courtyard garden, it's just too much," defending Green alderman Helga Stulgies the plans. The problem is especially feeding the animals by park visitors. "Bread and the remains of the animals themselves bring the lake to overturn an indoor garden!"
Not true, says Margaret Bonmariage: "The water of the lake has become cleaner through the London or even improved. In addition, the number of birds has yet fallen on! "
Stulgies wants to reach out to the swan's mother: "The opinion is one thing, what do we do then something else. It definitely will not happen overnight and to what extent, is also not yet decided. "