Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Wednesday, threatening squalls and hail

Offenbach - The Depression "Wolfgang" draws humid warmeLuftmassen to Germany.
On Wednesday and Thursday daherteils threatening severe thunderstorms with hail, heavy rains and gusty winds, as the German Weather Service told in Offenbach.
Re likely to Wochenendesetzt by cooler air.
Especially in the west and north, there are some kräftigeGewitter on Wednesday with heavy rain, hail and gusty winds.
 Here, the weather in the region click here>
In the southeast is esmit 28 to 33 degrees midsummer hot. Moreover Bundesgebietdrohen very humid 24 to 29 degrees. On the night of thunderstorms keep undSchauer. Only in the extreme south-eastern Bavaria esvoraussichtlich remain dry. By morning, the temperature drops to 22bis 16 degrees.
   Also on Thursday is partly distributed odergewittriger showery rain. Locally severe thunderstorms are possible. Only imSüdosten there early for a long sunny periods. ImNordwesten loosen the clouds later on. The Thermometersteigt to 23 degrees in the northwest and humid hot imSüdosten 32 degrees.
   Click www.express.de / weather>